Slightly decreased slider outline's brightness to not mix with hitcircle's outline as much

There might be other changes I made in the past and forgot Added very slight variation to background of the 'song cards' Reduced skin size considerably without quality loss (from 12MB to 6MB, extracted) Removed yellow section in mode button with skin information (not made to be a permanent thing, only as a mild nudge for people to check the forum for updates while the skin wasn't completed) Added ranking-perfect which I wish I had added in the true final Lossless size reduction (4.73MB to 3.85MB)

Thanks for using my skin, it was a lot of fun to make it and I learned quite a bit from it. As I barely dedicate my time to playing this game anymore, and also as osu!lazer comes closer and closer to completion, I feel that it's about time to call it a day.

This final update contains some small changes to wrap things up.