Monorail (big carriages, small carriages) There will be many of these included to customize your rides. Ride events allow you to add things like a giant shark, explosions etc., that are triggered when cars or trains on a tracked ride passes by. You can ride Tracked rides and many flat rides. Lights can be colored on rides for different night time color lighting schemes. Visit our Guest Assistance page for additional Accessibility information.There will also be 28 different track type based rides with roughly 40 different types of cars.Glasses may not be held in the hands while riding. NOTE: Glasses may only be worn on this attraction if they are secured with an athletic strap.Please do not use the ride restraints for support while entering and exiting, as they will shift.Riders will have to take several steps, on their own or with the assistance of a companion, and be capable of elevating themselves up into a suspended seat. Alternate access is available at the ride exit.

Guests with any type of prosthesis should not ride unless they can ensure the device is properly secured and will remain in place during the ride.Guests with a cervical collar, neck brace, broken collar bone, full arm cast, braced arm cast, or full leg cast are not permitted to ride.Guests must have at least one functioning arm and sufficient lower extremities to ensure the ride restraint system adequately restrains them.Due to the nature of the restraint, this ride may not accommodate guests of a larger size.A shoulder harness with a between-the-legs safety belt secures each rider over the head and across the chest.Riders will experience the feeling of weightlessness and elevation change as they ascend and descend each ride tower. A tower ride with a chair lift-type seat where riders are propelled up or shot down at high speeds.